Automated production control systems
Automated production process control systems are designed to ensure the functionalities at the level of production management, technological process control and evaluation.
The aim of these systems is to automate production and administrative activities in accordance with production requirements.
The main functions of automated production control systems are the recording of production process data along the entire material flow, production quality monitoring and production planning.

Automated production control system for US Steel Košice
One of our important projects is the participation in the development of an automated production control system for the Steel Shop, Hot Rolling Mill and Cold Rolling Mill division plants in U S. Steel Košice. We are currently operating and expanding the system. The production control system is tailor-made and interconnected with the surrounding existing systems (ASRTP, ERP...). There are new lines and aggregates gradually added to the system that is thus adjusted to the customer’s new requirements.
The system has been built gradually and divided into sub-systems Each of the sub-systems includes a set of functions that support the automated or automatic processing of production management activities at individual division plants.
At present, the system covers production areas, such as operational planning of production and balances, production preparation, production records, monitoring of material flow, aggregates and production warehouses, modification and transport of individual products, monitoring of production shut-downs and of the economic indicators of production.
Established above the system, there are supporting functionalities such as progress records, internal check of selected data, statistical evaluation and processing of the information relevant to the quality of production and production times from the perspective of production economic cost.