Automated water treatment plant
Water treatment plants are modern complexes that use state-of-the-art technologies for the automation and remote monitoring of the entire process which starts with the supply of raw water from water resources and ends with the filling of individual water reservoirs. It ensures the energy efficiency and technical optimality of potable water treatment, with an emphasis on saving resources and environmental protection.
Efficiently managed processes ensure individual water treatment plants are supplied from water resources based on their cost-effectiveness, with the most efficient resources being preferred.
Our innovation includes telemetric data transfer, which makes it possible to track, manage and customise technology remotely. Operators have the possibility to remotely view, control and parametrise water treatment plants prispôsobiť technológiu na diaľku. Operátori na dispečingu majú možnosť vzdialeného náhľadu, ovládania a parametrizácie úpravne vody.

Water treatment complexy
A water treatment complex includes the management of four functional units:
As regards raw water pumping stations, the control system ensures the accumulation and supply of raw water from a watercourse to a water treatment plant, including the continuous monitoring of its raw water turbidity.
The treated water is then accumulated and monitored in a storage reservoir, with an emphasis on the efficient allocation of such water to individual water reservoirs according to their priority and on the monitoring of these priorities. It also controls the connection of other inflows to the storage reservoir based on their cost-effectiveness.
The control of the pumping stations for water reservoirs ensures that the water from the storage reservoir is made up to individual water reservoirs, allows the monitoring of water reservoir requirements and reacts even in the event of lost communication or problems with pump backup.
The second pumping station performs tasks similar to previous ones, which ensures the redundancy and reliability of our control system.
Our company has implemented a project of the automation of the existing water treatment plant in Bardejov.